Mikrohematokrit. Copyright penetapan nilai hematokrit metode mikrohematokrit dengan darah Tutuplah salah satu ujunganya dengan. Medical definition of microhematocrit: a procedure for determining the ratio of the volume of packed red blood cells to the volume of whole blood by centrifuging a minute quantity.
Microhematocrit centrifuge laboratory practice research blood.
Ez Reader Microhematocrit Card with Sleeve.
Medical definition of microhematocrit: a procedure for determining the ratio of the volume of packed red blood cells to the volume of whole blood by centrifuging a minute quantity. Copyright penetapan nilai hematokrit metode mikrohematokrit dengan darah Tutuplah salah satu ujunganya dengan. I show how to measure a manual hematocrit, also known as a microhematocrit, Hct, Pcv (Packed Cell Volume).