Khaswar Syamsu

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Khaswar Syamsu. Hal ini disampaikan dalam webinar bertemakan Produk Halal Indonesia. Sc., nata de coco merupakan produk selulosa mikrobial murni.

Results of bio-ethanol production during Conventional SSF ...
Results of bio-ethanol production during Conventional SSF ... (Johnny Joseph)
Gumbira-Sa'Id • Khaswar Syamsu • Suprihatin Suprihatin • Etty Riani. Kertas ramah lingkungan hasil penelitian dari Prof Khaswar Syamsu. S Joni Munarso Balai Besar Litbang Pascapanen Pertanian, Bogor.

Khaswar Syamsu Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Cellulose acetate is one of cellulose derivatives produced by acetylation in acetate anhydride reactant.

(PDF) Bioplastic production from cellulose of oil palm ...

Khaswar Syamsu | Prof. PhD | Bogor Agricultural University ...

(PDF) Bioethanol Production from Tofu Waste by ...

Results of bio-ethanol production during Conventional SSF ...

(PDF) Repeated Extraction Process of Raw Gambiers (Uncaria ...

Khaswar SYAMSU | Prof. PhD | Bogor Agricultural University ...

Effect of pre-processing methods to form of gambir NIR ...

Pusat Halal Unesa | LPPM UNESA

(PDF) Pengaruh Tepung Teripang Pasir (Holothuria Scabra ...

Kertas ramah lingkungan hasil penelitian dari Prof Khaswar Syamsu. Makara Journal of Science. *) Prof. Khaswar Syamsu mengatakan, adapun kriteria tersebut meliputi : fasilitas produksi, penyusunan ketelusuran, prosedur penanganan produk tidak terstandar, audit internal dan tinjauan manajemen.
