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Hammer Of Thor Tangerang. Thor's hammer Mjolnir was the most celebrated weapon in the MCU. "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor" is the enchantment Odin placed on Mjolnir, so it's easy to think only Thor was able to wield it but a few others in the MCU have also been. Instead of using a version of Mjolnir that can only be used by those who are worthy, this hammer can only be.
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Jual Hammer Of Thor Di Tangerang - Info Kesehatan
Thor: He can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. His light-handed and downplayed way to hand over the hammer to Thor and his easy ability to carry it in battle convey both his worthiness and his not caring about this at all. It will grow a lot bigger beyond what you've ever imagined.