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Teknik Pemeriksaan Shoulder Joint. The glenohumeral, or shoulder, joint is a synovial joint that attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton. The shoulder joint (or glenohumeral joint from Greek glene, eyeball, + -oid, 'form of', + Latin humerus, shoulder) is structurally classified as a synovial ball and socket joint and functionally as a diarthrosis and multiaxial joint.
Teknik Pemeriksaan Radiografi Shoulder Joint. (Bag 2 ... (Emily Walton)
A wide variety of shoulder joint sprain options are available to you The shoulder joint's main blood supply comes from the axillary artery which travels through the axilla and supplies the entire arm with blood. AP (Antero Posterior) PP (Posisi Pasien) = Pasien supine dengan kaki sedikit direnggangkan dan bil. The shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) is a ball and socket joint between the scapula and the humerus.
There are actually four joints within the shoulder: the glenohumeral How the Shoulder Joint Works.
They show the anatomy and possible physiological movements (abductions, anteversion, retroversion and internal and external.
Teknik Pemeriksaan Radiografi Shoulder joint. (Bag 1 ...
Teknik Radiografi - Ekstremitas Superior - Humerus (Os ...
TRD-I (Shoulder,Clavicula,Scapula).pptx
TRD-I (Shoulder,Clavicula,Scapula).pptx
Menjelaskan teknik pemeriksaan dan uji coba lift dan eskalator. Teknik pemeriksaan radiologi pada kasus apendisitis (radang usus buntu). The shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint) is a ball and socket joint between the scapula and the humerus.