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Sindrom Metafemale. In all-female cells, only one X chromosome is active at any time. Turner, Klinefelter, Sindrom Jacob, Sindrom Patau, Sindrom Edward, Metafemale, dan Anemia Sel Sabit.
Genetics lecchromosomalaberrationproject (Julian Massey)
Turner, Klinefelter, Sindrom Jacob, Sindrom Patau, Sindrom Edward, Metafemale, dan Anemia Sel Sabit. For example: a fly with one X chromosome and two sets of autosomes is a normal male. while normal females have two X chromosomes, a metafemale has three. metafemales may be sterile, but there is usually no obvious physical or mental problems associated with it. Summary Summary (text) MEDLINE PMCID List.
For example: a fly with one X chromosome and two sets of autosomes is a normal male. while normal females have two X chromosomes, a metafemale has three. metafemales may be sterile, but there is usually no obvious physical or mental problems associated with it.
Because of this, triple X syndrome does not usually cause unusual physical What is metafemale syndrome?
Genetics lecchromosomalaberrationproject
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Sebuah Perjalanan: Kelainan kromosom
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Sebuah Perjalanan: Kelainan kromosom
The occurrence of partially fertile triploid metafemales in drosophila melanogaster. In all-female cells, only one X chromosome is active at any time. Summary Summary (text) MEDLINE PMCID List.