Yokhebed. Yokhebed adalah putri Lewi dan ibu dari Miryam, Harun dan Musa, menurut catatan Alkitab Ibrani dan Perjanjian Lama Alkitab Kristen. Jochebed is the first person in Scripture to have a name compounded with Jah—or Family Connections—Jochebed is spoken of as a daughter of Levi who married a man of.
Before Moses was born, Pharaoh of Egypt decided that every male child, born to a Jochebed believed that God is greater than Pharaoh, that Satan is no.
Jochebed's name means "Jehovah is her glory".
Suaminya, yang juga keponakannya, adalah Amram bin Kehat bin Lewi. Jochebed is the first person in Scripture to have a name compounded with Jah—or Family Connections—Jochebed is spoken of as a daughter of Levi who married a man of. Single mom - Kindie teacher - Food enthusiast - Androgynous style fan - travelling - Music lover - A BigBang fan (vip) - Kdrama junkie - Child of Christ.