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Andrea Fitrianto. Bagaimana mewujudkan arsitektur rakyat? » Selengkapnya. Using what they had at hand (plenty of bamboo) and helped by several architects - including bamboo-master Andrea Fitrianto -- they built a gorgeous new bridge.
Vorträge und Diskussion | Gotong Royong - For a Common ... (Harry Lowe)
Andrea Fitrianto studies Urban Planning, Bamboo, and Appropriate Technology. Agenda Arsitektur Partisipatoris: Tanggapan untuk Martin Suryajaya. Seorang arsitek yang banyak dikenal lewat karya-karya yang mengeksplor bahan bambu.
Profile Navigation. andileo.fitrianto profile, shots and blogs at Ultimate-Guitar.
Dari sekian arsitek muda Indonesia hadir nama-nama seperti Yu Sing Liem (Akanoma), Yuli Kusworo (Arsitek Komunitas), atau Andrea Fitrianto (ASF-ID).
Comunidad en Indonesia construye un centro para la reunión ...
Puente Peatonal de Bambú es construído por la comunidad de ...
Comunidade na Indonésia constrói centro comunitário em ...
Diseño: Andrea Fitrianto Consultores: Joeffry Camarista ...
Bamboo Bridge in Indonesia Demonstrates Sustainable ...
Energy Fresh - Жители филиппинского города построили ...
Using what they had at hand (plenty of bamboo) and helped by several architects - including bamboo-master Andrea Fitrianto -- they built a gorgeous new bridge. Lihat profil profesional Andrea Fitrianto di LinkedIn. Check out fitrianto's art on DeviantArt.