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Cyclotella. An analysis of published data on Cyclotella rossii and С. chantaica has shown general morphological similarity and coincidence of the majority of quantitative and qualitative characters. See more ideas about Scale bar, Geometry in nature, Bionic design.
46 British Columbia (Canada) lakes (Mitchell Harris)
Most species of Cyclotella are free floating single cells, but can be connected with gelatinous threads from valve to valve. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species. Из диатомовых характерны виды мелозиры (Melosira), астерионеллы (Asterionella), табеллярии (Tabellaria), фрагилярии (Fragilaria), циклотеллы (Cyclotella) и др.; среди сине-зеленых - виды. Cyclotella is a commonly encountered name in the diatom literature.
Cyclotella is a genus of diatoms often found in oligotrophic environments, both marine and fresh water.
An analysis of published data on Cyclotella rossii and С. chantaica has shown general morphological similarity and coincidence of the majority of quantitative and qualitative characters.
Cyclotella quillensis | Species - Diatoms of North America
Cyclotella caspia | Nordic Microalgae
Light microscopy (LM) of chain forming Cyclotella ...
Phycokey - Cyclotella images
Cyclotella Sp. Photograph by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy ...
Cyclotella distinguenda :: Diatoms of the United States
Cyclotella meneghiniana | Diatom Flora of Britian and Ireland
Microscopic Algae Hold Key to New Jersey's Nutrient ...
See more ideas about Scale bar, Geometry in nature, Bionic design. Most Cyclotella species belong to freshwater. It is in the family Stephanodiscaceae and the order Thalassiosirales.