Metil Selulosa. The term methylcellulose or methyl cellulose refers to cellulose that has been treated with methyl chloride. Selulosa merupakan bahan baku utama sintesis karboksi metil selulosa (CMC). karboksi metil selulosa (CMC).
Hydroxyethyl métil Selulosa (MHEC) ieu ogé ngaranna jadi métil Hydroxyethyl Selulosa (HEMC), dipaké saluhur efisien agén ingetan cai, penstabil, elém na pilem ngabentuk agén dina rupa. karboksil metil selulosa.
Selulosa adalah senyawa seperti serabut, liat, tidak larut dalam air, dan Turunan selulosa telah digunakan secara luas dalam sediaan farmasi seperti etil selulosa, metil selulosa.
It is a hydrophilic white powder in pure form and dissolves in cold (but not in hot) water. Sinonim Cellulose, hidroksipropil metil eter, HPMC, Methocel, metilselulosa propilen glikol eter, metil. Methyl cellulose is synthetically produced by heating cellulose with a caustic solution (e.g. a solution of sodium hydroxide) and treating it with methyl chloride.