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Ikan Polyodon. Paddlefish atau ikan polyodon ini merupakan salah satu ikan koleksi dari om Irfan Hakim. Ikan ini termasuk ikan terbesar air tawar.
Jenis-Jenis Koleksi Ikan Yang Dipelihara Oleh Irfan Hakim (Myra Peterson)
Polyodon spathula populations are most threatened by dams throughout the Mississippi River basin. These cause a separation of American paddlefish populations which limits gene flow and thus genetic. Ikan kakap putih, Baramundi, atau Seabass (Lates calcarifer); Klasifikasi, Morfologi, Habitat, Reproduksi, Fisiologi, Tingkah Laku, Ciri-Ciri, Manfaat, Serta Peran Di Perairan.
These cause a separation of American paddlefish populations which limits gene flow and thus genetic.
The American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) is a species of basal ray-finned fish closely related to sturgeons in the order Acipenseriformes. Polyodon spathula populations are most threatened by dams throughout the Mississippi River basin. Ikan kakap putih, Baramundi, atau Seabass (Lates calcarifer); Klasifikasi, Morfologi, Habitat, Reproduksi, Fisiologi, Tingkah Laku, Ciri-Ciri, Manfaat, Serta Peran Di Perairan.