Sofratul. INDICATIONS CONTRA-INDICATIONS DOSAGE SIDE-EFFECTS PREGNANCY OVERDOSE IDENTIFICATION PATIENT INFORMATION. Gunshot injuries are in reality penetrating wounds, but are classified separately, because of the extensiveness Dressings: Sofratulle or antibiotic ointment along with of the wounds.
Vaseline or silicone-coated non-stick lattice-structured gauze dressings, for example, a Sofratulle dressing.
Tutup dengan sofratul, lalu tutup dengan kasa.
This datacard has been prepared from data provided by the manufacturer and/or from published literature. Gunshot injuries are in reality penetrating wounds, but are classified separately, because of the extensiveness Dressings: Sofratulle or antibiotic ointment along with of the wounds. Compare prices for generic sofratulle substitutes: New-cin, Nineka, Nivemycin.