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Gonyaulax. Gonyaulax polyedra, a single-celled marine alga belonging to the dinoflagellates, is a close relative of G. catanella, which causes poisoning in shellfish. Several planktonic species are toxic and are sometimes abundant enough to colour.

Cause of 2011 Abalone die-off found: Gonyaulax spinifera ...
Cause of 2011 Abalone die-off found: Gonyaulax spinifera ... (Margaret Lucas)
Gonyaulax (division Dinophyta) A genus of dinoflagellates, species of which are responsible for the phenomenon known as "Gonyaulax." A Dictionary of Plant Sciences. . Gonyaulax definition, any marine dinoflagellate of the genus Gonyaulax, sometimes occurring in great numbers and causing red tide. Red tide off the coast of La Jolla, California.

Gonyaulax (division Dinophyta) A genus of dinoflagellates, species of which are responsible for the phenomenon known as "Gonyaulax." A Dictionary of Plant Sciences. .

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Gonyaulax | dinoflagellate genus | Britannica.com


Aquatic Science: H.A.B. (Harmful Algal Bloom)

Gonyaulax verior Sournia, 1973 | Nordic Microalgae

Gonyaulax Nutrition

PlanktonNET - biodiversity data provider

Lingulodinium polyedrum (Dinoflagellate) (Gonyaulax polyedra)

Marine Phytoplankton of the Grand Strand Region of SC ...

Morphology of Gonyaulax polygramma cosmopolitan oceanic ...

Ancient Greek γόνυ (gónu, "knee") + αὖλαξ (aûlax, "furrow"). gonyaulax. Gonyaulax polyedra unaccepted. ; Gonyaulax (it); Gonyaulax (en); Gonyaulax (vi); Gonyaulax (sq); Gonyaulax (ceb) genus of protists (fossil) (en); geslacht Media in category "Gonyaulax". Looking for online definition of Gonyaulax in the Medical Dictionary?
