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Monsoonsim. MonsoonSIM can be used to teach many business related subjects, in many ways and formats. Monsoon, a major wind system that seasonally reverses its direction—such as one that blows for approximately six months from the northeast and six months from the southwest.

MonsoonSIM Official - Ver 5.1 - Game Configuration ...
MonsoonSIM Official - Ver 5.1 - Game Configuration ... (Sallie Warren)
MonsoonSim is a powerful business process training and simulation platform. This video explains our very own unique Horizontal Experiential Learning Model. Within hours, through the excitement of playing a virtual business game, player will grasp the overall concept of a typical.

These rains blow in from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing heavy rainfall to the area.

MonsoonSIM is a business process, experiential, simulation and gaming Educational platform for universities ,college students and school students.


Monsoonsim Reflection - YouTube



MonsoonSIM Official - Ver 5.1 - Machine Configuration ...

MonsoonSIM Official - Ver 5.2 - Live Game Observation ...

Monsoon Academy / MonsoonSIM

Monsoon Academy


MonsoonSim is a powerful business process training and simulation education platform. A monsoon is a seasonal wind which lasts for several months. MonsoonSIM is a unique, experiential learning, pedagogical platform for business studies.
