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Piper Retrofractum Fructus. Nama Lain : Cabe jawa,lada panjang,cabe jamu. Piper retrofractum, the Balinese long pepper or Javanese long pepper, is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.
Cabai jawa (tanaman) - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ... (Raymond James)
Ferula narthex Garcinia pedunculata Piper longum Piper nigrum Piper retrofractum Plumbago zeylanica Semicarpus anacardium Trachyspermum ammi Zingiber officinalis. Chavya - Piper retrofractum is one among Panchakola group of spices. Nama Lain : Cabe jawa,lada panjang,cabe jamu.
Cabai Pintal - Fructus Helecteres Isora.
We have included Piper chaba here as a synonym of this species, as per the treatment in Flora of China[..
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In Cambodia it is known as ដីប្លី (Dei-Phlei) and Thai as ดีปลี [Dee'bPlee]. Zat berkhasiat utama / isi : Minyak atsiri,piperin,damar,pati. Untuk yang satu ini ada komposisi cabe jamu, dapat bermanfaat sebagai tanaman obat mengatasi masuk angin, masalah pencernaan, demam, flu.